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San Jose Campus, Swisher Library: Lane Pelletier / Indigenous

The Bolles School San Jose Campus Swisher Library


Assignment: In her spoken essay, Linda Hogan says, “Yet, as this piece of my work on our migration reveals, it could be the story of any of today’s people being forced to flee their homes. It happens daily, the stories of refugees in other countries and their many losses, the forced removal of tribal people from their lands by continued colonization and warfare.”

Research a group of people who are currently being forced to leave their homes. What is the cause of their removal? Where are they going? What conditions are they enduring? Or Research where you are in relation to tribe that was formerly on the land. Who were they? What happened to them?

Where are they now? One to two pages with MLA Bib Page, please

suggested key words


  • colonization /decolonization
  • displacement
  • gentrification
  • guerilla warfare
  • indigenous
  • land dispossession / land redistribution / land reposession
  • migration /migrant
  • militarization

Citations Helpers