Grade 3 Digital Resources
General Resources
1. Uniting the States Game on World Book Encyclopedia
2. Citations for Beginners (Bibliography Demo Video)
Poetry Resources
1. Shel Silverstein Fun
2. Poetry.Org for Children
4. Poetry.Org: Poem Shorts: Wayne the Stegosaurus by Kenn Nesbitt
5. Poem Shorts: To Catch a Fish by Eloise Greenfield
6. Poem Shorts: Poorly Dressed by Bruce Lansky
7. Poets.Org: Poems for Kids (links to poems to read online)
8. by Kenn Nesbitt, Children's Poet Laureate 2013-2015
50 States Resarch Pathfinders
1. 50 State Birds by Nat Geo
2. Nat Geo's 50 States
United States Official Tourism Websites
1. Tufted Puffins from Cornell Bird Lab
2. Horned Puffin from Cornell Bird Lab
3. Atlantic Puffins from Cornell Bird Lab
4. Rhinoceros Auklet from Cornell Bird Lab
5. Tufted Puffin from Audubon
6. Horned Puffin from Audubon Society
7. Atlantic Puffin from Audubon Society
8. Rhinoceros Auklet from Audubon Society
9. Puffins from Smithsonian Ocean
1. Penguins from Smithsonian Ocean
2. Penguin Nesting Architecture from Penguins International